
Check in and check out
Check-in is guaranteed from 15.00 am on the day of arrival and check-out takes place before 12:00 noon on the day of departure. If you arrive earlier, the hotel, we will provide luggage storage at the reception where we can lock in your luggage until your room is ready. Here you can also store your luggage after you have checked out.

Our generous breakfast buffet is served in the breakfast room every day of the week. Experience the wonderful atmosphere and enjoy a fantastic hotel breakfast.
Regular opening hours:
Monday – Friday
06.30 am –10.00 am
Saturday – Sunday
08.00 am –11.00 am
For those who are not hotel guests, the breakfast costs SEK 150.

Other services
At Teaterhotellet you have free wireless internet access throughout the hotel. In addition, we can help with copying and faxing services. Guest computer with Internet access and document printing is offered. Laundry service is available five days a week. The guest laundry is left at the reception before 09.00 and is ready for pickup about 17.00 the same day.

As a guest at Teaterhotellet, for a fee of SEK 325 per day, you have access to our private parking garage, which is located in the building. Note that it is an older building and the parking spaces thus quite tight. You can check in first, get room keys and a parking permit and then drive down the garage to park your car. Please contact the hotel to pre-book a garage space.
Note The maximum height for a car is 1.90 meters. It is a narrow descent so unusually wide or lowered cars are not recommended!